Members Question
You are invited to send any questions in that you would like one of the Management Committee members to answer. Often a committee member is approached on the putting green with a question that might not relate to their area of knowledge. This is a way for you to ask those questions.
Q. Following the recent Turkey Trot competition some of the players scores are recorded on their individual records and some are not. The winners Tim Nichols and John Hawkins are a good example with John's score recorded as one of his best scores producing a handicap reduction and Tim's score not recorded in his record at all. Can you explain why this occurs please.
A. As of 01 April 2024 WHS made some changes and introduced that betterball can now be used for handicap purposes when the total score of the pair is at least 42 pts (or six under par).
If one player in the pair scores on a minimum of 9 holes, then each individual player’s score can be upscaled with points added for their ‘unplayed’ holes based on their playing partners score. That will be 0 pts if there is a no score, 1 pt if their playing partner has scored a point on the hole, and 1.5 pts added where their partner has scored two or more points on a hole.
If the total score of that player is then 36 pts or more, a score differential will be calculated and the score added to the player’s record. If it does not add up to 36 pts then it will not be acceptable for handicap purposes.
These changes only apply to competition scores and not general play scores.
The score may or may not count as one of the player’s best eight scores in WHS. Scores that do not meet the criteria will still be added to the records, but will not be used in calculations.